It’s pretty obvious that getting any type of surgery is a HUGE deal, but when you’re as rich and famous as this bunch it can be pretty tempting to treat yourself to a cosmetic procedure at the drop of a hat.
But it doesn’t always turn out the way you intended, as Cardi B, Khloe Kardashian and Kylie Jenner all learned the hard way. Fortunately, not all cosmetic procedures are completely irreversible, and this famous bunch were able to kit ‘command z’ on their surgery.
PLAY the video to see Holly Hagan, Kylie Jenner and other celebrities who undid dodgy surgery…
Phew! We’re glad Khloe’s crazy face finally returned to normal, and thank the lord Cardi put a stop to her dangerous af procedure, she literally could have DIED.
It just goes to show that you really should think long and hard before dabbling in cosmetic enhancements. If some of these guys are having regrets after presumably paying top dollar for the best, lord knows what could happen to the average Joe.
Holly Hagan recently undid the surgery she had on her boobs when she was just a teen which gave her the double Fs she’s famous for. While we must admit it’s going to take some getting used to seeing Holly sporting a smaller pair, we’re happy that the lass is taking the plunge (they were literally mahoosive, weren’t they?).
Think twice before surgery, kids!
from Viral Newses