Credit Suisse is the latest bank to announce its annual round of promotions, saying it has made over 170 people globally managing directors at the firm.
173 staff serving clients in around 50 countries worldwide were given the promotion, according to an internal document viewed by Business Insider. All promotions will be effective from January 1 next year.
18% of those promoted were women, according to a report from Financial News.
Geographically speaking, 98 of those promoted were in Europe, the Middle East and Africa, with 35 of those based in the bank’s London office.
“At Credit Suisse, we believe that progress is driven by people who take responsible ownership of their decisions and actions,” the bank said in a memo.
“Today we are proud to introduce our new Managing Directors who will carry forward Credit Suisse’s commitment to making change happen and creating value for our clients.”
Credit Suisse’s round of promotions is slightly larger than at other banks to announce their list.
Citigroup just promoted a new class of 125 managing directors. Bank of America Merrill Lynch promoted nearly 140 employees to MD in late November. Morgan Stanley promoted 153 employees to MD in January— up from the 140 it promoted in 2017. Barclays last week promoted 85 staff to MD level.
At Goldman Sachs, where MD is one rung below the prestigious role of partner and the classes are announced every two years, 509 employees were promoted to MD in 2017 and 69 were promoted to partner in November.
Here’s the full list of employees promoted (listed alphabetically):
- Rafael Abati
- Sanjay Advani
- Laith Al Kurdi
- Fahad Al-Ebrahim
- Girish Anthur
- Anita Antonopoulos
- José Arcilla
- Özgür Arzik
- Angeline Aw
- Gustavo Azevedo
- Vik Bali
- Sabine Barbier-Goldman
- Franck Bataille
- Alexis Baumont
- Nevin Bhatia
- Julien Binnie
- Bruno Bischoff
- Ian Blair
- Lea Blinoff
- Ryan Bondroff
- Christophe Bonjour
- Simon Booth
- William Bors
- Niklaus Boser
- Conrad Bruggisser
- Marc Buchli
- Urs Burgherr
- Pauline Cahill
- Barbara Capobianco
- Pablo Carrasco
- Matthew Cattee
- Allen Cermak
- Raynard Cheng
- Marcello Chilov
- David Cohen
- Michael Comisarow
- Stuart Crabtree
- Peter Cross
- Eleonore Dachicourt
- Martial Décoppet
- Diego Discepoli
- Vamil Divan
- Christopher Doolin
- Andrew Duff
- Jeremy Duksin
- Georges El Khoury
- Ilya Feldman
- Stewart Finlay
- Antony Fisher
- Russell Gale
- Thomas Geiser
- George Geotes
- Eugenio Giancotti
- Katrina Glover
- Neil Glynn
- Mark Green
- Rafael Gross
- Shivam Gupta
- Elena Hainaut
- Tariq Hasan
- Jos Hehenkamp
- Philippe Herminjard
- Ralf Hippenmeyer
- John Hoffman
- Lynn Honkanen
- Edward Hope
- Christian Hübner
- Holger Inhester
- Michael Jakob
- Craig Jeffers
- Steven Jorgensen
- Timothy Joyce
- Stephen Ju
- John Katsikoumbas
- Gary Katz
- Gavin Kelly
- Lokesh Khiani
- Alexandrine Kiechler
- Sven-Christian Kindt
- Tom Koffer
- Edouard Kohler
- Pawel Kowalski
- Sandro Kutschera
- Andrew Lai
- Ashley Lam
- Martin Lamb
- Eduardo Lapena
- Will Lau
- Robert Leichter
- Dabby Leung
- Yiping Li
- Lillian Liao
- See Bing Lim
- Antonio Limones
- Marcus Linfoot
- Mandy Loo
- Marcus Lutz
- Luis Macias
- Nicholas Markson
- Matthew Masso
- Leonardo Mayer
- Tim McKessar
- David Mechlin
- Lars Moeller
- Daniel Monckton
- Annabel Morris
- Erik Morris
- Reinhard Mues
- Maria Nacheva
- Javier Nardiz
- Daniela Nievergelt
- Guido Niffenegger
- Erik Nijssen
- Patrick No
- Paul Norris
- Connor O’Keeffe
- Mathias Ordody
- Yair Oshman
- Mohammed Patel
- Sébastien Pesenti
- Valerie Philips
- Romain Pointurier
- Chris Pollard
- David Rabuano
- Stefan Rauch
- Igor Rena Cardoso
- Adam Roberts-Thomson
- Paolo Roncati
- Steven Rosen
- Andreas Roth
- Daniel Rupli
- Gregory Rye
- François Schnyder
- Christopher Schofield
- Dominique Schwitz
- Richard Sehayek
- Masahito Shimada
- Drew Shoemaker
- Tanvi Singh
- Nikhil Singhvi
- Conor Stransky
- Meryl Sullivan
- Maarten Swart
- Teddy Swigert
- Vincent Tay
- Robert Taylor
- Winson Toh
- Jonathan Tse
- Tim Tu
- Alexander Tyo
- Giorgio Valle
- Michele Van Tassel
- Ravi Venkataraju
- Adil Virani
- Marc von Widekind
- Bin Wang
- Jeans Wang
- Qing Wang
- Robert Wartchow
- Masashi Washida
- Tracy Watkinson
- Thomas Wechsler
- Germane Wee
- Kathrin Wehrli
- Ross Whittaker
- Urs Widmer
- Ryan Williams
- Mark Wilson
- Mary Kate Wynperle
- Wang Xue
- Cyril Yip
- Serge Yokoyama
- Mascha Zaugg Portmann
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