Democrats remain unsatisfied following the end of the 22-month investigation.

A progressive advocacy organization called for a nationwide protest Thursday to demand the full release of the special counsel’s report and its underlying materials.

The gathering at the White House was one organizers said were happening across the country in 44 cities to demand the full report. House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler and Senator Richard Blumenthal were in attendance.

“We are in a battle over the rules that govern our democracy,” Nadler said speaking to the group of demonstrators.

The scheduled protests come one day after Democrats in the House Judiciary Committee voted to authorize subpoenas for special counsel Robert Mueller’s report. Attorney General William Barr released a four-page summary of the report noting Mueller’s “principal collusions” which found no collusion between President Donald Trump’s campaign and Russian officials in the 2016 election but left the issue of obstruction of justice open.

Littered throughout the crowd at Thursday’s protest were homemade signs with the words: “UNBARR the Report” and “No one is above the law.”

“All of America knows that we deserve the release of the Mueller report,” Blumenthal said thanking protesters for “saving democracy.”

In between speakers, those in attendance led themselves in a chant yelling “Lock him up.” Organizers vowed to “keep the pressure on” until the report is released in full. But it doesn’t stop there. Their next mission, they say will be to protect the investigations.

Democrats have remained unsatisfied following the end of the 22-month investigation, amplifying their demands for “transparency” and asking for the findings to be released in full. White House press secretary Sarah Sanders called Democrats “sore losers,” adding that they will “never be satisfied” with the information they receive from the Justice Department.

Trump has characterized the investigation as a “phony” and “disgusting” cloud stating the motive was a denial of his election victory.

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