Single Huns Need To Take Note Of How Sophie Kasaei Bagged Her Boyfriend

Being single in 2018 is pretty tragic, but at least Geordie Shore lass Sophie Kasaei is giving us hope that love is out there for all of us.

The babe just revealed how she got together with her man, Jay, and it looks like it’s time to get grafting people.

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Replying on Instagram questions, Soph revealed that she’d been stalking Jay’s social media for a while before they spoke.

A fan asked: “How did you meet your bf,” to which Sophie revealed: “I was stalking him on insta for ages and I just got the courage to inbox him hahahah!”


Yaaas! We’re living for the fact that Sophie made the first move. Lord knows if we sat there waiting for our DMs to be infiltrated every time we’d end up bitter and alone.

And it looks like the DM slide is one of the best moves she’s ever made, as she revealed: “I don’t wanna jinx myself but I wouldn’t be with anyone if I didn’t see a future to them,” in reply to a fan who asked if she thinks he’s “the one.”


The lass also said that Jay makes her feel “beautiful and confident,” when someone asked what the best thing about him is.

“I’m the happiest I’ve ever been,” she added.

N’aww this is almost too much cuteness for a Tuesday morning.


Still, we’re feeling well and truly inspired to go get our bae now (we’re just praying they accept our message request).

Don’t forget to watch Sophie Kasaei on Geordie Shore Tuesday’s at 10pm on MTV!





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